UPDATE: New Bean To Bar App Blog

New Bean To Bar App Blog!

I’m always receiving gratitude for putting together the very first bean to bar business map and app. It was a lot of work, and far from finished, but I’m very glad with the results!

First, let me say introduce what the Bean To Bar World App is all about for those who don’t know.

Ever since I first started my journey with fine chocolate around 2008, I have had a desire to help others discover not only this incredible chocolate, but help the public support those who make it possible. This was my motivation behind the map and app, and I’m so happy both the bean to bar makers and businesses as well as the public appreciate and enjoy this incredible tool.

I put this together with the help of a wonderful app developer and I completely self-funded this project. It was something I believed it, and something I felt would help showcase the incredible but often hidden fine craft bean to bar chocolate makers around the world.

I also understand that fine chocolate can be expensive, so I never wanted to ask for money from the public. I rather you use that money to buy the chocolate! I very much understand the financial challenges of chocolate makers and other bean to bar businesses, so I never once asked them for any financial support, as they have more important things to spend their money on. The app has always been free for the user (you) and free for the businesses to be featured on. It is my hope that it remains that way.

You can donate to the app only if you feel you’d like to do so. Donations go towards the time I put into running and updating the app, adding new makers and businesses, and adding more content (as you can see many entries are still a bit bare). If you wish to do so, you can. Remember, it’s always appreciated, but never expected. Use the app, share the app, and help support the bean to bar chocolate world.

Now onto the new blog…

The New Bean To Bar App Blog

In order to better help highlight the businesses on the app, I have started a blog that highlights the business, and basically helps add to their exposure on this website but also out in the cyber world. Keep an eye out for it on the main page where you can see the most recent entries, and have fun scrolling through the main blog to learn more and discover the many wonderful craft chocolate makers out there in the world.
