New Chocolate Retailer! Criollo Quetzal, Based In Switzerland

Criollo Quetzal, Bean To Bar Retailer

Based In Payerne, Switzerland


“Rare. Fair.” is how Criollo Quetzal describes themselves. And I would say those words are perfect to describe them as well.

They source well-made bean to bar craft chocolate from around the world. What makes them unique, is that their focus is sourcing chocolate that was made in the same area the cacao is grown! Which is indeed rare. Some of the brands they carry are also tree-to-bar, which means that the cacao use to make the chocolate is also grown locally and often by the chocolate maker themselves! This is not something we see often, but we are beginning to see it more and more in the craft chocolate world.

They source chocolate where cacao is grown with respect for nature and people. You’ll find some very unique brands and is worth checking out their currently growing online shop.


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