Volatile compounds of oxidized cocoa butter.
Read MoreImpact of fermentation on total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of Nigerian Amelonado cocoa beans.
Read MoreSugar profile and volatile aroma composition in cocoa nibs from 6 Cameroonian fine-flavor cocoa hybrids and their concentrations of fruity, floral, chocolate/nutty, and buttery/creamy aromas and their correlation to levels of reducing sugars glucose and fructose.
Read MoreDynamics of volatile and non volatile compounds in cocoa during fermentation and drying processes
Read MoreThe Impact of grinding intensity on particle properties and rheology of dark chocolate based on roller refined and ball-mill refined chocolate impacting particle size and shape.
Read MoreCraft bean-to-bar chocolate tasting myths and chocolate tasting tips. Chocolate education.
Read MoreEffect of Cocoa Roasting on Chocolate Polyphenols Evolution. A look at epicatechin levels in cacao and chocolate at different points of processing, with a focus on Chocolate Modica from Italy.
Read MoreThis research summary looks at both potential positive and potential negative impacts of antioxidants, in particular antioxidant supplements. Antioxidants are tied closely to nutritional aspects of cacao and chocolate. Antioxidants have been associated with anti-aging, cardiovascular health, and cancer treatments.
Read MoreRevisiting the history of cacao domestication from middle Holocene in South and Central America Maya, Maranon, Amazonia, Olmec, through residue on ceramic pottery looking at the 11 varieties of cacao including Criollo, Caqueta, Curaray, Nacional, Purus, Contamana, Maranon, Iquitos, Amelonado, Nanay, and Guiana. The history of chocolate is constantly shifting with new information, and we need to revisit this in order to better understand cacao domestication, and history of chocolate through the ages.
Read MoreIncreasing cocoa butter yield through genetic improvement of Theobroma Cacao L.: Seed fat content variability, inheritance, and association with seed yield
Read MoreIs Fairtrade really making a positive impact on our food supply and the people connected with it? What are some some of the negative impacts of Fairtrade certification on cacao and chocolate.
Read MoreMitigating the level of cadmium in cacao products: Reviewing the transfer of cadmium from soil to chocolate bar
Read MoreHow natural and artificial flavour enhancers in our foods ruin your palate and your health over time, and how they are associated with fine craft bean-to-bar chocolate.
Read MoreChocolatier versus Chocolate maker. What is the difference?
Read MoreNumber Of Craft Chocolate Maker By Country & Popular Chocolate Bar Origins. Cacao from Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Dominican Republic, Madagascar, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Ghana, Mexico, Indonesia, Colombia, Vietnam, Trinidad, Papua New Guinea, Ivory Coast, Grenada, Sao Tome, Jamaica, Belize, Philippines, Guatemala, Fiji, Tanzania, St. Lucia, Honduras, Principe, Panama, Congo, Cuba, Tobago, Haiti, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Australia, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Puerto Rico, India, Cameroon, Nigeria, Liberia, El Salvador, Togo, Taiwan, Sierra Leone, Gabon, Burma.
Read MoreHow do I know if my chocolate is low or high quality based on ingredients? Learn about the difference between high and low quality dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate.
Read MoreBest before dates, expiration dates, and chocolate. Is it okay to eat chocolate past the expiration or best before date?
Read MoreWhat are some off-flavours in chocolate? Mold, sour notes, burnt, ferment / barn, putrid / cheesy, metallic / medicinal may be off-flavours you find in artisan bean-to-bar chocolate.
Read MoreWhy is chocolate toxic to dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and other animals?
Read MoreWhat is the difference between deodorized and non deodorized cocoa butter?
Read MoreWhat is white chocolate? Is white chocolate really chocolate?
Read MoreCarob and Cocoa blend to reduce bitterness in cocoa and dark chocolate products.
Read MoreHow to enjoy fine bean-to-bar chocolate on a budget.
Read MoreWhat is a chocolate ganache?
Read MoreWhat is the difference between cacao and cocoa?
Read MoreGlobal chocolate consumption per capita in selected countries 2021. Which country eats the most chocolate, and which eats the least?
Read MoreIngredients found in chocolate. Whether you are making your own bean-to-bar chocolate or want to better understand the chocolate you consume, I will go over a list of ingredients in chocolate and their purpose.
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