Posts tagged farmers
Livelihood strategies of cacao producers in Ecuador.

Some assume that purchasing chocolate made with fine cacao is directly helping those who grow this expensive cacao. This isn’t necessarily the case in Ecuador, where the most fine cacao in the world is grown. This research looks into the livelihoods of the growers in Ecuador, and the trade-offs of growing bulk versus fine cacao.

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Cacao variety impacts fermentation. Fermentation impacts chocolate quality.

Although fermentation impacts the flavour and qualities of the cacao, it appears that the type of cacao somehow impacts the types and populations of microorganisms. It seems as though type of cacao impacts to a degree how it ferments, which will impact the flavour and qualities of the final chocolate.

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The flavour of chocolate explained

Dark fine chocolate will contain aromas other than chocolate.  Just as fine wine and coffee can be described with containing notes of cherry, wood, or roasted almond, fine dark chocolate can be explained in the same way.  Where does this flavour come from?  It's not added to the chocolate, its contained within the cacao seed, and is created and maintained through quality processing. 

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