Bean To Bar World Map App

I have conducted tastings and taught people about fine chocolate for years. However, the biggest hurdle for anyone who wants to delve into fine chocolate is where can they find it?

This is why in early 2017 I developed the first map to focus on bean to bar chocolate makers around the world. It eventually grew to include retailers, cacao growers and distributors, researchers, and other related businesses.

I wanted a tool that would help promote these wonderful talented chocolate makers, and also a more reliable and easier way for consumers to find them. It has been a huge hit, and eventually was turned into the first bean to bar app! Below is more information on the app and how useful it can be.




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FAQ About The App

+ What is it used for?

It's for you to be able to locate fine craft bean to bar chocolate makers near you, or a place you may visit. It's also a fun tool to just explore the world of fine chocolate from your phone and discover a new maker anywhere in the world!

It's also for bean to bar makers and related businesses to showcase themselves and be more easily accessible to excited fine chocolate enthusiasts!

+ Why was it developed?

It was developed solely for the purpose of helping to connect incredible bean to bar chocolate makers with the public!

It has grown to also connect chocolate makers with cacao growers and distributors, equipment manufacturers, and more.

+ Who developed it?

The map and then app was put together from scratch by yours truly, Geoseph. It was quite the endeavour, and it is still far from finished, but the journey has been quite rewarding.

+ Does it cost anything?

No. The app and map has been free from the start. It is free for the maker or business to be added to the app, and it is free for you to use!

I would love to put more work into the app when I can. If you have used the app and appreciate the work, you are welcome to make a donation, but don't feel obligated. If you wish to do so, you can by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking the donate button.

+ Who funds the app or map?

The time and resources spent on collecting all the data and creating the app is solely by me, Geoseph.

I receive absolutely no funding from any third party, which includes none of the business on the app, no organizations, no affiliates, no affiliate links.

Donations do Bean To Bar World do help, so feel free to donate only if you appreciate the work and feel the need to do so.

+ I don't see my favourite maker on there, how can I add them?

I do my best to find new makers and add them to the app, but I admit I miss some good ones sometimes!

I always welcome the public to suggest a maker, and I will look into it to be sure they are a bean to bar chocolate maker. From there I will add them usually within 2 weeks when time permits.

Also, if you notice an error with one of the businesses, or have reason to believe something may be wrong with the listing, you can request an edit as well.

To add to the app, or request an edit to a business, please do so here.

+ I don't see my business on the app, how can I add it?

If you are indeed a bean to bar chocolate maker, where you actually make the chocolate yourself from the raw unroasted bean, then I would be happy to have you on the app! If you've been around for years, but are not on the app, it is just because I have not come across or forgot to add you thus far.

As well, if you notice an error with your business listing, please fill out the edit form and let me know, I would be happy to fix it.
If you see your listing, but it is quite blank without images or information, you can add that as well with the edit form.

To add to the app, or request an edit to a business, please do so here. There is no cost associated with adding to the app, but please allow 1-2 weeks to have it listed.

+ I love this app! How can I help?

You can help in a few ways:

  1. Promote the app! Share it with friends, family, or your customers. Share it on social media (@beantobarworld on Instagram), chocolate forums, and anywhere you can!

  2. Add to the app if you have not already. If you don't see a maker or business on the app, request it here.

  3. If you appreciate the app, donate to Bean To Bar World. All proceeds go towards maintenance on the app or the free resources in the academy.