Rotating Hot Chocolate Frother

Rotating Hot Chocolate Frother


Froth is key to making the perfect hot chocolate or mocha. In fact, some Mesoamericans thousands of years ago thought the froth was the most important part of their drinking chocolate. There are many ways to build froth in your drinks at home, and you can read about some ideas here. The rotating frother is one such tool.

Watch this video where I show you how well this frother works and how to use it.

This nifty device is a manual frother that spins when you push down on the handle. You can use it to beat your hot milk frothy before pouring it over your chocolate and frothing it a few more times. Or, you can add your grated chocolate or hot chocolate mix into the hot milk and press until you have reached the froth desired. It may be beneficial to froth it in a separate tall slender container first, and pour it into your cup. However, if your mug is big enough, you can froth it in the same mug you will drink from.

Stainless steel. No batteries or electricity required. Perfect for camping. Easy and fun to use.

Size: 10” long.

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