Is cocoa and cocaine related?
Image by @cd163601
No, cocoa and cocaine are not related in any way. Although some claim chocolate is addicting, it is not a substance to be concerned about. Some of the confusion between the nomenclature of the two plants and products. Cocaine is made from the coca plant, and cocoa beans comes from the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao).
As well, cocoa beans and coca can be grown in the same regions. In fact, some organizations and people are trying to encourage some farmers away from growing coca, and instead to grow fine cacao. Coca can be a valuable crop, more so than commercial grade cocoa beans and other crops. However, fine cocoa beans (which is used to make the chocolate bars sold on this website) are sold for at a higher cost than commercial cocoa beans. This allows the farmers to opt out of growing coca, and grow something more beneficial to everyone while also maintaining a reasonable living for themselves.