Chocolate Tasting Worksheet

Chocolate Tasting Worksheet


Use this fine chocolate tasting worksheet in conjunction with the flavour wheel to help you organize your thoughts with fine chocolate. Use these if you are hosting a simple chocolate tasting with friends or family.

If you need more help and details on how to taste fine chocolate, please check out my page Chocolate Tasting 101 and even the Tasting Guide as well. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

You are free to use this pdf download to copy and print as you wish. I ask that you do not remove the credit. If you use this for commercial purposes (tastings where you make a profit for instance) I ask that you make a donation to this website to help me develop more tools in the future. Feel free to request tools or content you wish to see more of when you donate.

I am always looking to create tasting tools in other languages. If you don’t see a language you’re looking for, and think you can help me translate it, please contact me. Fine chocolate should be for people from around the world, and I’m happy to help reach as many people as possible!

Illustrated and designed by Geoseph at Bean To Bar World.

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