Fine Chocolate Flavour Wheel

Fine Chocolate Flavour Wheel
This chocolate flavour wheel is here to help you articulate the flavours of your fine chocolate. The file includes a flavour wheel with a white background, and one with black background. The file downloads as a .pdf
It includes major groups and flavours many find within fine dark chocolate. There are flavour wheels that are more or less complex. This wheel was designed to offer a good broad idea of possible flavours, without overwhelming the taster. Many of these flavours were extracted from countless chocolate tasting classes, as well as from peer reviewed research on chocolate flavour and aroma.
If you need more help and details on how to taste fine chocolate, please check out my page Chocolate Tasting 101 and even the Tasting Guide as well. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
You are free to use this pdf download to copy and print as you wish. I ask that you do not remove the credit. If you use this for your business or commercial purposes I ask that you please make a donation to this website to help me develop more tools in the future. Feel free to request tools or content you wish to see more of when you donate. This flavour wheel is to be used for teaching purposes either for yourself or your class, and is not to be sold or altered. © 2020 The Bean To Bar World. If you wish to have a customized flavour wheel, please purchase the custom wheel or contact me if you have questions.
I am always looking to create tasting tools in other languages. If you don’t see a language you’re looking for, and think you can help me translate it, please contact me. Fine chocolate should be for people from around the world, and I’m happy to help reach as many people as possible!
Due to the nature of this product, there are no refunds and no exchanges.
Download the file and print it on the paper of your choice. Best printed on letter size paper (11' x 8.5"). The better the quality of the paper and printer, the better the quality of your flavour wheel.