You can now leave product reviews!

As per some requests, I have now added the ability to add bar reviews. You will receive an email some time after you received your order which will ask if you would like to leave reviews of your products. The goal of the reviews is for new customers to get an idea from others of what they may expect to experience from the bar. So that they take into consideration my description, the maker’s description, and some experiences from the public.

Please keep in mind that your reviews will reflect the craftsmanship of the chocolate makers, so be honest but also constructive. If there was nothing particularly wrong with the bar, but you simply didn’t prefer the flavour profile/texture, be sure to leave a review that does not demean or inaccurately depict the product.

As well, if you are very new to fine bean-to-bar chocolate, then you may have experienced flavour profiles or flavour combinations which are very unusual. Keep an open mind about it, and be honest about why you did not enjoy the product, but try and be objective as well.

Remember that at the end of the day, these are all well crafted products, but that our preference and perception of them can vary from individual to individual. There is no one perfect style or flavour profile of chocolate, just as there is no perfect flavour for cheese, wine, or craft beer. The goal is to find the ones that suit you!

If you’re having trouble finding the single-origin dark or bars that are right for you, don’t hesitate to contact me and let me know which bars you enjoyed, which you did not, as well as why you did or why you did not enjoy them. I will be happy to take this information and steer you towards bars I think you may enjoy!
