UPDATE: New Store Features & New (Better) Prices!

I have finally added better ways to search for your favourite bars! You can search by types, major ingredient/flavour, bean origin, maker, and more. You can also reorganize them to have the newest bars first to see what’s new at Bean To Bar World.

I have also adjusted my prices. Food prices have been going up, but thankfully the prices of fine chocolate have remained relatively stable for the time being. However, I understand the challenge of tightening of the wallets and budgeting we all need to be on top of these days. Therefore, I have lowered my prices in order to make fine chocolate more accessible. You will see many bars are close to or match the cost of buying it from the maker itself. As well, my prices are even more affordable than most bean to bar retailers in Canada and United States (remember the prices you see are in Canadian dollars, so a bargain for US Customers!). I also did not ask for more discounts from the makers, but made adjustments on my end. The goal of bean to bar world is to support the makers, not squeeze them as some other online bean to bar retailers do.

My goal always has been in the past 15 years to help make fine chocolate more accessible and better appreciated. Share this news with your friends! And don’t hesitate to request brands, and I’ll do my best to look into it.
